The story of a young translator as a precarious worker

Many graduate students live as precarious workers. The precariat is a type of working exploitation, abuse, profiteering that has a variety of effects on...

Prekarni delavci in zdravje

Uvod Sodobna opredelitev zdravja je razširila ozki koncept zgolj odsotnosti bolezni na širšo, v človeka usmerjeno idejo o splošnem blagostanju: telesnem, duševnem in socialnem. Vzporedno...

»Kak je tak je« reče prekarka in ji nekaj pri tem ne štima

Za segment prekarne kulturniške populacije, ki živi slabo – določen njen segment namreč vztraja, da v revščini in peklu, ki sta nenehna fragmentacija misli...

My experience on the way to Movement for decent work and welfare society

I came to Slovenia in September 2020 because I enrolled in postgraduate studies in Human Resources and I was very excited to start a...

Pojav socialnega dampinga: razprava o aktualnem izzivu prava socialne varnosti

V tej razpravi se bom posvetila pojavu socialnega dampinga, ki ga definiramo kot gibanje na trgu dela, v sklopu katerega podjetja na račun zmanjševanja...

Precarious Types of Contracts among Women in Slovenia

Precarious employment is a worrying problem because it creates large inequalities among employees.  As I already mentioned, precarious employed workers have a significantly lower...

Designing benefits for employees

Having in mind the importance of small and mid-size companies in the global scale but also their importance in emerging economies, it is crucial...

Textile industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

As an important measure in Yugoslavia after the Second World War, the so-called workers’ participation approach was applied to industries and big corporations. This...

My volunteering experience

At the beginning of October, I started my volunteering program at Movement for decent work and welfare society in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This is my...